I'm a fan of simple software and simple tools.

Kirby, the CMS I chose for this blogging website, forgoes the traditional database-centric approach to storing content in favor of a simpler, file-based, option which stores data in simple .txt files. It doesn't store html either, but instead, content is saved (and authored) in markdown.

Leaving performance benefits aside (enhanced with SSD hosting and further with caching enabled), the file-based-cms method makes trivial the task of synchronizing content between local and remote environments. In other words, synchronizing the content is done like any other file. This lack of separation allows me to use a unified process for updating programming and content. What's more, I get to use simple, ubiquitous, tools like rsync and ssh.

Synchronizing files with rsync

Rsync [options] src user@host:dest

Rsync allows me to step through all files in a source and destination keeping only the latest versions in the destination. I can traverse files recursively, preserving permissions and ownership (-a). I can transfer files quickly with compression (-z). If I'm confident in a particular source I can delete any extraneous files in my target (--delete). I can configure files and directories to ignore (--exclude-from), and execute a dry-run to see what will change (-n). See more rsync notes in the wiki.

Rsync will use your ~/.ssh/config for the source or destination, however, I've found that when running rsync from a script I need to go the extra mile and specify the ssh identity file. In this case, and whenever you need to customize ssh connection info, use -e 'ssh [options]'.

Rsync helper scripts

The .sync directory in my repo for this site contains reusable, modular, implementations of these commands. After adding configuration storing my destination ssh connection info (not checked in) I can run the sync-up.sh or sync-down.sh helper scripts.


$ .sync/sync-up.sh
Do you want to do a dry run [y/n]: y
sending incremental file list

sent 19,439 bytes  received 225 bytes  7,865.60 bytes/sec
total size is 6,765,867  speedup is 344.07 (DRY RUN)

Do you want to overwrite user@host:web-directory/? [y/n]: y
sending incremental file list
          1,879 100%    1.12MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=622/685)

sent 19,692 bytes  received 267 bytes  13,306.00 bytes/sec
total size is 6,765,867  speedup is 338.99

On my local computer I can create aliases or symlinks to cut this command down to a few keystrokes. Adding ~/bin to the path and dropping in a symlink to the script does the trick. To scale this pattern I might name my script-symlink something like sync-up.[sitename].

Making a secure connection with SSH

ssh [options] user@host

SSH facilitates secure encrypted communication between two machines. I can use a ssh client to log into a remote machine (i.e. my web host) and execute commands. I can use rsync to transfer files between a remote host over ssh. See more SSH notes in the wiki.

To truly sing and to achieve big efficiency gains you need a small amount of configuration. By specifying ssh configuration you can turn a lengthy command like ssh -p 2222 -i ~/.ssh/github_id_rsa username@hostname in to ssh mysite.

A ssh key pair enables the secure password-less connection. A key pair consists of private and public counterparts. After creating the key pair, the public key is copied to the remote (destination) server. A few lines of code add your ssh key to every terminal session on your machine making using ssh a truly streamlined process.

Loose bits

  • Dev Tooling - I plan to make another write up about the webpack dev tooling. That said, I've abstracted out the setup into this boilerplate deanbot/kirby-webpack-kit.
  • Caching - I wrote a helper script to clear static file caching on Cloudflare. This saves time whenever I've made updates to css or js files.
  • File permissions/ownership - Occasionally, depending on how and where I'm making changes, file permissions/ownership might get borked. In those cases I can run helper scripts to restore them.

And how

Do you use Kirby or another file-based CMS? Do you use simple tools and software? Do you know how I can use my ssh config for rsync when running in a script?!. Let me know in the comment form.

Last updated