Modern & SPFX

Something Went Wrong

Failed to load entry point from component […]

This can mean that you’ve recently added a package to your project. You likely still serving the dev build, and you have yet to deploy a production build since you added the project. Fix: build and deploy a prod build. You can then return to a dev build without the above error.


  • To switch from loading debug manifests (site extensions) delete the spfx-debug session storage variable.
  • ?maintenancemode=true - attach to url to see modern page debug information


Provisioning Keywords

replaced with relative path to site, i.e. /sites/MySite
replaced with url of tenant, i.e.


Get search query with tokens expanded

To see the final expanded search query that was parsed by SharePoint:

  1. Open Network tab of browser’s dev tools and locate the relevant postquery request response (filter by postquery).
  2. Select the Preview tab of the request response and expand the following path PrimaryQueryResult.RelevantResults.Properties
  3. Expand the property with key “QueryModification”. This holds the final expanded search query template.

Site Columns

Default Date column value of “last day of previous month”

Cloning/Adding/Updating list items via sp pnp js.

The SharePoint REST api as exposed by sp pnp js has some interesting quirks. You can’t grab the values of a list item and apply that data object as-is to create/update a list item. Different column types (and single vs multi-value variations) have different considerations, and the error messages are esoteric.

  • Choice (Multi): retrieved as array, but must be submitted as an object with the array in the results property.
  • Lookup (Multi): retrieved as array, but must be submitted as an object with the array in the results property.
  • People/Group:
    • retrieved in the form of <column>Id and <column>StringId (i.e. MyPersonColumnId) and must be submitted as <column>Id.
    • The value submitted must be in the form of a web user id, i.e. 17 instead of the long claim form i:0#.f|membership|sou***@w****.
  • People/Group (Multi): retrieved as array, but must be submitted as an object with the array in the results property.
  • Single Taxonomy Fields:
    • Retrieved as an object with Label, TermGuid, and WssId properties and submitted the same way.
    • -1 can be used as the WssId regardless of the retrieved value.
    • I often see people add the the __metadata property to this object before submitting, aka __metadata: { type: 'SP.Taxonomy.TaxonomyFieldValue' }. I have not found this to be required.
  • Taxonomy Fields (Multi):
    • Retrieved in the form of <column> and submitted as <internalColumn>. The internal column can be looked up via pnp.sp.web.lists.getByTitle('foo').fields.getByTitle(column + '_0}).get().then(({internalName }) => { ... } Note the _0 part, that’s important.
    • Although the field is retrieved as an array of objects containing Label, TermGuid, and WssId properties it must be returned as a single string in the form of: <WssId>;#<Label>|<TermGuid>;#<OtherWssid>;#<OtherLabel>|<OtherTermGuid>;# i.e., 1;#General|80547571-2529-4c0b-8ccd-288a29479da5;#3;#What's Happening|505c9dcd-7b5a-4448-b49c-a24bbd0077fc;#.
    • -1 can be used as the WssId value regardless of the retrieved value.

The same considerations apply for setting empty values, namely that multi-value fields including choice, lookup, and people must submit as an object with an empty array in the results property. You can look up whether a field accepts multiple values by retrieving the field:

const field = await pnp.sp.web.list.getByTitle('foo').fields.getByTitle(fieldId).get();
const isMultiValue = field.AllowMultipleValues;
